
Monday, April 30, 2007

Ex-'Survivor' Castaway Elisabeth Hasselbeck Expecting Second Child

Survivor Castaway Elizabeth HasselbeckThe View has been a hotbed of news recently. First co-host Rosie O'Donnell announced she's leaving the ABC talk show in June, and now co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck has revealed she'll be giving birth to her second child this fall.

"I'm totally three months pregnant," revealed Hasselbeck to wild applause from the studio audience during Monday morning's live broadcast of The View. "The baby will come in November." Of course, Hasselbeck's The View cohorts were aware that November is a ratings sweeps period, causing co-host Barbara Walters to comment, "Perfect Timing!"

Hasselbeck, a former Survivor: The Australian Outback castaway, married former Boston College quarterback Tim Hasselbeck, her college sweetheart, in July 2002. In September 2004, Hasselbeck used The View to announce that she and Tim were expecting their first child. Six months later, Hasselbeck gave birth to daughter Grace -- who shares the same birthday as her father Tim -- on April 6, 2005. Hasselbeck told her The View co-hosts on Monday that she's already told Grace that she'll soon be a big sister.

"The other day I was eating watermelon, I said, 'Grace, mommy's eating watermelon. It's yummy, it's going right in my tummy.' And she said, 'Oh. The baby's getting watermelon.' It was like, 'Oh, I guess you're giving that child some watermelon when I should have it,'" explained Hasselbeck. "She knows there's a baby in my belly, but she also thinks there's a baby in her belly. You know, she just thinks everybody has a baby in their belly at this point."

Hasselbeck said that O'Donnell has known about the pregnancy for two weeks, and her other The View co-hosts had grown suspicious. She said co-host Joy Behar grabbed her tummy, and O'Donnell noticed a "glow" before Hasselbeck finally revealed the news.

"I wanted to tell you for so long," said Hasselbeck, "and [O'Donnell] told me one day, 'Don't tell me a secret because it will just come out. Not in a malicious way, but you'll just say it.'"

After some congratulations from her co-hosts, Walters explained how she was initially nervous about Hasselbeck's announcement following O'Donnell's announcement last week that she was leaving the talk show once her current contract expires.

"When you said you had an announcement, my heart sank. We can't take another!," said Walters. But Hasselbeck assured Walters she wasn't going anywhere, and even joked that O'Donnell's absence was cause for conception.

"We're going to be lonely without [O'Donnell], so Tim and I thought we should get busy, and you know, make a little co-host," said Hasselbeck.

Despite revealing her pregnancy, Hasselbeck managed to keep one secret.

"I will be so upset if I find out the gender. I don't like to find out because it kind of gets me through the labor," she said. "It's just hard this time. You're so excited when you find out."

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