Monday, March 26, 2007
Who's the Boss

Who's The Boss? was a television sitcom aired for eight seasons on ABC from 1984 to 1992 starring Tony Danza. Tony Micelli (Danza), was forced to retire due to a shoulder injury. He ended up taking a job in upscale Fairfield Country, Connecticut as a live-in housekeeper for Angela Bower (Judith Light) an advertising executive. Tony is funny, lovable father and man, who wanted to move out of Brooklyn to find a better life for his daughter, Samantha (Allysa Milano). While Angela is a successful and upper-class businesswoman, who tries to be there for her son Jonathan which is shy and lacks of self-esteem. Tony soon wins them over with his laid back style, and the Bowers soon begin to loosen up.
The title of the show refers to clear role of a woman as the house breadwinner, while a man just stayed at home and took care of the house.
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